Dare to…

Blog Business CoachingPublished July 31, 2023 at %I:%M %p No Comments
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… find the joy in your life!

Just like in the The Bucket List. - Yeah, I know - 2 movies suggestions… well you see, the very warm summer nights have a purpose :)

I have seen this movie last night, and I was surprised to find the same energy and trigger to action I had the first time I saw it a few years ago.

You the rule already, I will not spoil the movie - in fact there are lots of movie blogs where you can read all about it. What I want you to do.. - besides of taking your time to see this movie - is to think about the last time when you dared to do something really new … as your heart demanded?

When was the last time you visited a new place? Have you talked or even helped a stranger on the street? Did you witness something really majestic?

And most important of them all, I would say the least… how many things you can still do! What are you waiting for?

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